Hands up: who likes to go down to the local lake for a good swim? What if you could do that in your own garden?
Swimming in a natural body of water is an entirely different experience than relaxing in a swimming pool. It gives your body much needed energy and rejuvenation. These natural lakes also have their own ecosystem with a number of plant and animal species living a full life in them. Garden lakes imitating natural water sources have been introduced to the gardening world in the past years. You can bring this wonderful experience literally to your home, complete with a surface or bank suitable for sunbathing.
These garden lakes have a depth comparable to swimming pools, but the edges near the bank are populated by plants. These plants clean water through their roots. It’s not uncommon to introduce freshwater animals to these lakes: swimming around with fishes and turtles in your own garden is surely a great experience!
Fortunately, more and more garden designers and architects are willing to take on the task of installing a natural lake in your garden – but be sure to ask the expert’s opinion beforehand.
This article was written by Erika Topor, editor-in-chief at Kertportál Magazin.
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